Professional Training Programs


The Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine is a multi-site, multi-borough residency with a rich mixture of clinical endeavors. Residents train at all affiliated hospitals of the medical school, which are organized into two campuses. The hospitals of the Bronx campus are Montefiore Medical Center (MMC) (Moses, Weiler and Hutch Divisions) including the Children's Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM), and Jacobi Medical Center (JMC). The Queens campus consists of Long Island Jewish Medical Center (LIJMC) including Cohen's Children's Medical Center.

The Program Director of the Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery residency is the Academic Chairman of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery of AECOM, Marvin P. Fried M.D. Each of the participating sites has an otolaryngologist, designated by the Chairman, who serves as local site director. Dr. John Bent is the residency director.

The site director is responsible for the education and training of the residents while at that campus. In addition, there is an academic steering committee, appointed by the Chairman and consisting of the site directors or their representatives, which assists in the management and oversight of the program and reports to the Chairman.


Montefiore Medical Center West (MMC/Moses)
Children's Hospital at Montefiore( CHAM)

Marvin P.Fried, MD, University Chair
Richard V. Smith, MD, Vice Chair, Site Director

Montefiore Medical Center East (MMC/Weiler)
Hutchinson Metro Center (Hutch)
Steven Y. Park, Site Director

Long Island Jewish Medical Center(LIJ)
Cohen's Children's Medical Center

Andrea Vambutas, MD, Chair
Gerald Zahtz, MD, Site Director

Jacobi Medical Center(JMC)

Howard D. Stupak, Site Director


Learn more about the Residency Program at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.