Facial Surgery Procedures

Montefiore Aesthetics can help you realize your dream of a newer, younger looking, vibrant and generally improved you. Read on to learn more about what we can do to help with this revelation.

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Montefiore Aesthetics
1250 Waters Place
Tower Two
Bronx, NY 10461
Email: aesthetics@montefiore.org



A facelift (rhytidectomy) can improve skin sagging, jowls and deep creases in the face and neck by tightening and removing excess skin. There are various traditional and minimally invasive ways to perform a facelift. Our surgeons can help tailor an approach to meet your needs and goals.


A neck lift (also called a lower rhytidectomy) improves the appearance of the neck and the signs of aging in the jawline and neck. The procedure targets excessively wrinkled neck skin (the turkeywattle) and double chin. The surgery can be performed with a traditional neck lift incision, or a limited incisional approach.


Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a nose job, can improve the physical appearance of the nose as well as correct breathing problems caused by structural abnormalities within the nose. The size, width, symmetry and profile of the nose can be adjusted, as can the nasal tip and nostrils.


Tired of looking tired, despite being well rested? When the upper eyelid becomes saggy with age and creates a fold on top of itself, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) can improve the look of the upper and/or lower lid. Upper or Lower blepharoplasty are often done together with a brow lift.


A brow lift (also called a forehead lift) lifts low-positioned or sagging eyebrows to move them back into their original and youthful position. It also helps to reduce wrinkles that develop across the forehead. Call us today to see if you're a candidate for a minimally invasive brow lift.


Otoplasty (ear repositioning surgery) improves the shape, size or position of the ear in both adults and children who want to correct the appearance of large ears or protruding ears. Results are immediately visible after surgery, although bandages must be worn for several days afterwards.


Facial implants sculpt the face in a way that is unachievable with injectables. Implants are placed in the cheek, chin and jaw to beautify the face and remedy a small chin, weak jaw or lack of facial contour. There are a variety of implants available to improve and enhance facial appearance.