Infertility - Reproductive Medicine - Getting Started - Bronx - Westchester - New York - Montefiore Medical Center

Montefiore's Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Health wants to help you realize your dreams of having a healthy child. By now you've probably given great thought to starting or expanding your family and may be wondering where to begin and what to expect of the process.

Your chances of success are greatly influenced by your medical team, which is why we draw on the expertise of various specialists including: board-certified reproductive embryologists and endocrinologists, urologists, nurses, a psychologist, and a full support staff. We are extremely patient-focused and dedicated all the necessary time needed to fully understand your individual situation. Once a treatment plan is collectively agreed upon, your doctor will continuously monitor every step of your care, and should you at any time request to speak with our staff psychologist, we'd be happy to arrange time for you to meet with her.

Initial Consultation and Diagnosis

During your initial visit, you will meet your medical team and have a chance to discuss your concerns and ask as many questions as you wish. Numerous factors, such as your age and specific condition, can cause infertility, which is why a precise diagnosis is so essential to your treatment plan.

The first step in pinpointing the cause of infertility entails a complete diagnostic assessment with both partners. This includes a thorough review of your medical history, a discussion about your lifestyles, and a set of highly specialized tests. Please be sure to bring all your medical records pertaining to any fertility tests or previous treatment you have received, as this will help expedite the process. You might also want to consult our Lifestyle Modification Tips prior to your consultation, so you can start building a healthy mental and physical foundation for your pregnancy as soon as possible.