Sleep-Wake Disorders Center - The Narcolepsy Institute - New York City - Montefiore Medical Center

Since its inception in 1985, the Narcolepsy Institute has been funded by New York State OMRDD to provide psychosocial support services to individuals with narcolepsy and their families. Free services are provided for people who live in New York City with their families and whose narcolepsy qualifies as a developmental disability.

Narcolepsy is a developmental disability if it occurs before the age of 22 and presents difficulties in school, work, mobility, self-care, communication, and other activities of daily living. Services are provided on a fee-for-service basis for those who are not eligible for free services.

The Narcolepsy Institute provides screening, information, referral, counseling, case management, crisis intervention, and advocacy for affected individuals and their families.

Support groups are conducted by a qualified professional. The thrust of the counseling service is towards providing individuals and their families with information about narcolepsy and developing skills necessary to cope with the social impact of this condition on their lives and thus improving the quality of their lives.

Non-pharmacological approaches to management including, behavioral modification and nutritional counseling are provided. Following an initial interview, an appropriate referral is made for medical diagnosis and treatment, entitlements, or employment as needed in individual cases.

In addition to the services at Montefiore Medical Center, support groups are conducted by appointment in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. The program conducts outreach to increase awareness among professionals and consumers about narcolepsy.

Contact: 718-920-6799 from 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Thursday.