Conferences, Rounds and Seminars

In addition to the clinical experience, Einstein geriatrics residents and fellows are exposed to geriatric medicine through didactic seminars, conferences, and specialty rounds.

  1. Geriatric Psychiatry Consultation Rounds
    Alessandra Scalmati, MD,  Debra Greenberg, PhD, MSW
    These case based rounds provide a format for fellows to present challenging ambulatory patients with both complex psychiatric disorders and psychosocial needs in order to review their treatment plans and management in the community in a multidisciplinary setting.

  2. Bioethics Conference
    Hannah Lipman, MD
    Case-based seminar discussing medical decision-making in geriatrics and for those patients who lack decisional capacity, as well as the issues in the law regarding the initiation and withdrawal of feeding tubes, respirators, and other medical interventions.

  3. Geriatrics Journal Club
    Michael Bogaisky, MD  
    This session trains learners to capably search the literature, interpret study question, design, analysis, results, and a discussion of the applicability or implications of the articles(s) as well as a review of recent medical literature that pertains to the care of the elderly.

  4. Geriatrics Case Conference and Research Conference
    Clinical and basic research projects are presented for comment and discussion.

  5. Geriatric Psychiatry Inpatient Conference
    Gary Kennedy, MD
    This session includes a clinical interview and discussion regarding mental status assessment, affective, cognitive and psychotic disorders in the elderly.

  6. Geriatric Medication Management Rounds
    Claudene George, MD, RPh
    Case-based clinical discussion of medication management issues in the elderly.

  7. Home Care  Meeting 
    Interdisciplinary team coordination of care for the homebound elderly.

  8. Resident Report
    Residents present complex cases of geriatric patients and panels provide advice from interdisciplinary teams regarding alternative approaches to care.