Center for Autism and Communication Disorders

The Montefiore-Einstein Center for Autism and Communication Disorders offers state of the art diagnostic, psychological, and neuropsychological evaluations and innovative intervention services for people, ages 5 through adult, with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities, and their families. Special programs include: SOS: Social skills in Our Schools, CAAPABLE: Comprehensive Adolescent/Adult Preparation for a Better Life Experience, which includes The Prosody Project.

SOS is a standardized, developmentally ordered social skills curriculum that empowers school staff, through monthly training and supervision, to address the needs of children and adolescents with ASD in their schools. The overarching goal of the SOS program is to develop appropriate social skills in high-functioning, verbal children with ASD. A secondary goal is to foster, in typically developing children, an understanding of individual differences, a broader tolerance, a stronger sense of fairness and increased social initiations toward children with differences in regular school settings.

The objective of CAAPABLE is to prepare and support adolescents and adults with ASD in establishing an effective, independent life.

The Prosody Project develops vocal timbre and both verbal (melody, volume, rhythm/fluency of speech) and nonverbal prosody (use of eyes, gesture) in adolescents and adults with ASD. Unfortunately, impaired prosody can play a powerful role in forming a negative first impression. As a result the gifts and potential contributions of individuals with prosody deficits often go unrealized. Impaired prosody is in fact one of the most significant obstacles to “social integration and vocational acceptance”. The Prosody Project was developed to eliminate this obstacle and open up social and employment opportunities that might not otherwise be available to these individuals.

With your help, we can make a real difference in the lives of young people living with ASD. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity.