April 4, 2022

Into the 60's. another check of your weather is coming your way in attrition czar trying to raise awareness about the impact of childhood hunger here in New York. according to the FDA, 15% of New York households with children do not have the resources to provide enough food for an active, healthy lifestyle. doctor, Leslie Rosenthal, a pediatric medicine specialist at The Children's Hospital at Montefiore in the Bronx, joined in New York one earlier today to share some signs to be on the lookout for. >> when someone's hungry, they're very much anyone to be focusing on classes. they might miss classes go to the school nurse or, you know, maybe sitting in class that not really absorbing it. so, you're going to notice changes really the ability to absorb the information and do well in but also people might be missing school due can really lead to more long-term issues in terms of inadequate grills, inadequate development, or mental health issues. we see a lot as well. >> according to the nonprofit food research and action center children who live in homes that lack access to food are likely to get sick and to be hospitalized more often.