
The Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Tumor Program provides patients with the most advanced technologies and treatments for aldosteronoma, a tumor of the adrenal gland that produces a hormone called aldosterone. This hormone helps to regulate the body's blood pressure by acting on the blood vessels to the kidney and affects the level of sodium and potassium in the body.

Patients with these types of tumors will often have high blood pressure, which is difficult to control despite taking several blood pressure medications. These patients also tend to have electrolyte abnormalities with low levels of potassium in the blood.

After blood tests have confirmed the patient's diagnosis, a computed tomography (CAT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies are obtained to localize the suspected tumor. Prior to surgery, patients are often prescribed a medication called spironolactone that helps to lower blood pressure and to correct low levels of potassium until the tumor can be removed.

Treatment for Aldosteronoma

Most aldosteronomas are benign and can be removed with minimally invasive surgical techniques. Cure rates are excellent after surgical removal, and although patients can expect to have a decrease in blood pressure, they may still not be able to discontinue medications completely. Our multidisciplinary tumor program team provides a seamless approach to the treatment of aldosteronoma.