Experts for Media - Sleep

Shelby Harris, Psy.D., C.BSM

Director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the Sleep-Wake Disorders Center, Montefiore Medical Center

Assistant Professor, The Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

As a licensed psychologist, Dr. Harris specializes in behavioral sleep medicine and CBT for anxiety and depression. She has published and presented research on the neuropsychological effects of insomnia in older adults as well as behavioral treatments for insomnia, parasomnias, narcolepsy and excessive daytime sleepiness. She has appeared on both national and local television discussing a wide variety of sleep issues.

Areas of Expertise

  • Behavioral Sleep Medicine
  • How Cognitive Behavior Therapy can replace medications to eradicate insomnia
  • Insomnia
  • How the use of electronics can affect your sleep
  • Nightmares
  • The sleep issues that shift work creates
  • Insomnia, its causes and how it can be prevented
  • The relationship between insomnia and depression
  • Nightmares and PTSD

Selected Media Coverage

ABC Local, ABC Local , Good Morning America, FOX News, Everyday Health, ABC News

Michael Thorpy, MD

Director, Sleep-Wake Disorders Center, Montefiore Medical Center Associate Professor of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Michael Thorpy, MD, who is board-certified in sleep disorders medicine, has published extensively on narcolepsy, insomnia and other sleep disorders. His seven books include “The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders.” Dr. Thorpy has served on the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) Board of Directors and founded and directed the NSF’s National Narcolepsy Registry. In addition, he is past Chairman of the Sleep Section of the American Academy of Neurology. Dr. Thorpy was born in New Zealand and earned his medical degree from the University of Otago in 1973.

Areas of Expertise

  • Sleep Apnea
  • Narcolepsy
  • Effects of Shift Work on C

Selected Media Coverage

Sleep Review,Information Television Network

Steven Y. Park, MD

Otorhinolaryngologist and Integrative Sleep Surgeon, Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Montefiore Medical Center

Assistant Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Dr. Park specializes in diagnosing and treating obstructive sleep apnea and upper airway resistance syndrome. He takes an interdisciplinary approach, offering a variety of different nonsurgical treatment options, such as CPAP or oral appliances, since every patient has different needs and circumstances. When surgery is needed, he offers experienced surgical care, performing surgical procedures involving the entire upper airway, including the nose, the soft palate and the tongue. He is board-certified in Otorhinolaryngology and Sleep Medicine and is a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Areas of Expertise

  • Behavioral Sleep Medicine
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Insomnia
  • Nightmares
  • Effects of Shift Work on Sleep Patterns

Selected Media Coverage

US News, Empowher