Research and Clinical Trials

The Clinical Diabetes Center at Montefiore Medical Center works in collaboration with the Diabetes Research Center at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. As a major site for National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded basic and clinical research, the Diabetes Research Center has participated in several major studies.

The landmark Diabetes Control and Complications Trial showed that good control of blood glucose levels can prevent the complications of diabetes.

Another clinical trial, the Diabetes Prevention Program, involved people at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes; it found that modest weight loss and regular exercise can delay and possibly prevent the development of diabetes in these high-risk people.

Montefiore was one of the major recruitment centers for the international BARI 2D trial that compared treatment strategies for patients who have both type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Our participation in these and other major diabetes studies insures that the care we provide our patients is based on the latest research and innovative approaches to treatment. Learn more about our research on diabetes and metabolic disorders.