Translational Research

Research lies at the heart of all medical progress. Montefiore Medical Center has long been a leader in developing and exploring new cancer treatments and drug therapies. The Division of Translational Research in the Department of Oncology focuses on "translating" laboratory findings into practical applications that will help our patients to better fight cancer.

Our expertise and experience in this area result in innovative strategies in cancer treatment. At Montefiore, we value our creative approach to fighting this stubborn disease as we make breakthroughs in the areas of chemotherapy, immunotherapy and gene therapy. But it is not enough to know what works. Our goal is to also understand fully why each treatment works so that we can design and study new solutions.

Largest NIH-Funded Laboratory Nationwide

Our National Institute of Health-funded division is extremely successful and well funded for this type of research. Accordingly, we have a large number of investigators and physician scientists dedicated to translational research in the area of oncology.

Our outstanding team of dedicated specialists has a wealth of expertise and an unrivaled commitment to helping our patients live longer, better lives.

Targeting Colorectal and Lung Cancers

Traditionally, our attention has been on colorectal cancer, concentrating on crucial preventive methods and the impact of diet in the development of this disease.

We are now extending our focus to include lung cancer. In particular, we are working to develop and understand new molecular therapies. These target the disease and tumors on the most basic level of composition.

Treating the Individual Through Research

At Montefiore, we believe that each tumor is as individual as each patient. We are working to apply our research to develop customized, specific treatments for cancer on a case-by-case basis.

We are constantly working toward the development of new therapies because we know that the more options our patients have, the better their chances for a successful outcome.